Associations & Certifications

Associations & Certifications

Electrical Apparatus Service Association

The Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (EASA) is an international trade organization of nearly 2,400 electromechanical sales and service firms in 56 countries. Through its many engineering and educational programs, EASA provides members with a means of keeping up to date on materials, equipment, and state-of-the-art technology. Click the logo on the left to visit the EASA website.

SKF Group

The Lawrcon motor rebuild shop has participated in an intensive, certification program designed by SKF, the world's largest producer of roller bearings. A direct outgrowth of the global SKF Trouble-Free Operation (TFO) program, SKF certification focuses on the four key factors that influence bearing life; product quality, enviroment, installation and maintenance. To receive certification, every employee involved in electric motor bearing work has participated in an in-depth training program and passed a test at the conclusion of each session. Re-certification is required every year. What are the advantages for you? For starters, the people working on your rebuilds are better prepared than ever to meet your needs. From specialized equipment to training to sophisticated trouble-shooter services, your SKF certified rebuilder has people and tools to help you improve plant premature failure of your electric motor bearings. Click the logo on the left to visit the SKF website

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